Like many people who know him, I gush about Bob Kodzis a lot. But he’s not all sunflowers and unicorns. In this episode, he confesses to crashing a company conference, the most sacred of corporate events. It was for Crayola, and he was trying to find the people who name the colors.

Dang, that’s also super endearing.
The bottom line is, Bob is one of the best people I know, and this talk will not change your mind about that. He even makes me seem like a pretty cool person, even with my admission of eating the communion bread as an altar boy.
I love this girl to the highest peaks of Peru.
Posted by Bob Kodzis on Monday, March 18, 2019
More about Bob:
To a Certain Degree is a weekly radio show on WPRK featuring makers, artists, and professionals who are doing something neat. It’s hosted by Nick Georgoudiou, and you can listen live every Monday on 91.5 FM in the Orlando area, or stream it on wprk.org.