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On this episode of Odd Numbers, Miller John of The To Be Decided channel wakes up early to visit the WPRK studios and discuss music. He and Nick brought five songs and five obscure albums to the mix. Get it? Mix?

Miller’s Obscure Albums
- David Bowie by David Bowie
- Chuck Person’s Eccojams Vol. 1 by Chuck Person (Daniel Lopatin)
- Swiss Mountain Transport Systems by Ernst Karel
- Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations by The Conet Project
- Long Season by Fishmans
- Punk by Eric Taxxon
Nick’s Obscure Albums
- Shame-Based Man by Bruce McCulloch
- Turtle Logic by Mimi Fox
- The Black Album by Prince
- Dynamite Music Machine by Charlie Chesterman
- Zero Effect Soundtrack by Various Artists
Miller’s Songs
- プロポーズ (PR0P0SE) [feat. choochoogatagoto] by PR0P0SE
- Zen Scientist (feat. Myka 9) by Milo
- 安息日 (sunday break) by Shing02
- Tiger by Neil Cicierega
Nick’s Songs
- Till My Head Falls Off by They Might Be Giants
- Ghost Train by Summer Camp
- The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
- Gypsy Lament by Esquivel
- My Terrible Personality by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin