Episode 92
Sam and Marco DiGeorge have a lot of proverbial irons in proverbial fires. Teaching, set design, parenting, podcasting, to name a few. I don’t want to imply that parenting comes third for them. If you’re one of their kids, my apologies.

What they are most excited about: Truthful Acting Studios and Theater on the Edge
20 Questions: Keep Your Friends Close or Keep Your Enemies Closer
Bad Business Ideas: Carry a Tune, Swap Beat
Pop Quiz: Sandwiches!
Spirit Movie:
- S – Adventures in Babysitting
- M – The Matrix – Overcoming fear to fight for the human element; and Magnolia… for so many reasons!
Spirit Celebrity:
- S – Most definitely Zooey Deschanel
- M – Oprah – love her positive energy and willingness to help others 🙂 … I do love the energy of Tom Cruise too!
Spirit Event:
- S – hmmmm at a thrift market in the middle of nowhere where it almost looks like a hoarders home or at a Matchbox 20 concert
- M – Any theatre event (especially being involved with producing the ones we do at TOTE)
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