Episode 81

Amber Weatherford. To her own self she’s true. Not afraid to get her hands dirty. Warm fruit thingy.
What she’s most excited about: Potheads by Amber
20 Questions game: Move Heaven or Move Earth
Bad Business Ideas: Putt-Putt Bowling and Vain Chain
Pop Quiz: Oprah’s birthday, Magnum, P.I. trivia, super moon, and The Raven.
Spirit Movie: Slaves of New York, it’s my spirit movie because I have always been intrigued by the Starving Artist, New York City, heartbreak, independence, happenstance.
Spirit Celebrity: Tina Fey, I don’t know a ton about very many celebrities but I enjoyed her book Bossypants. I feel a closeness to her because of Chicago and all the things she’s written, her human struggles and things people have written about her. I like that she writes things that are super smart but also very silly and sometimes gross.
Spirit Event: I would have to say the Art Institute of Chicago. I’ve been there as a young student and I’ve taken my own students there. It’s a very special place for me.
Find out more about Potheads by Amber.