More than 200 people have appeared on To a Certain Degree since 2016 and hundreds more will be on in the future (hopefully). For the first four years, the show was a long-form in-depth interview with one guest.
Recently, the format changed to shorter segments and multiple guests per episode.
Here’s a general rundown of the guest experience:
- You can schedule an online or in-person interview.
- Once scheduled, Nick will send you four or five questions so you can prepare for the interview.
- The interview usually lasts no more than 45 minutes.
- Most of the time, answers are edited and used in multiple episodes.
Some recommendations:
- If you’re interested in being on this show, or any podcast, please listen to several episodes to make sure it’s a good fit.
- For an online interview, it would be great if you have a good microphone.
If you’re interested, email Nick or get in touch via Instagram to get the proverbial ball rolling!