I’d like to imagine the anxiety of being an artist, never really knowing for sure how good you are, or what people are taking away from your work, is something you eventually get past. Not in a medicated manner, or by tamping all those feelings down into the recesses of your personality and putting them on display as passive-aggressive attacks.

I mean being able to look proudly at the art you create. Not overthinking it, not wanting more people to love it, not considering all the ways you could have done it better.
This is totally possible – When I look at the work of other people. One such person was this episode’s guest, Ren Foskey.
That was a long way to go, huh?
A graphic designer, traditional artist, and entrepreneur, Ren is passionate about her art. This shows when I bring up Fiverr and other organizations that are commoditizing marketing and design.
That intensity also led her to start up Matchbük as an outlet for her creativity and the desire to help others with their artwork. She has some big plans for expansion, and she’s smart as a whip.
Luckily it’s an early morning show, so I was able to keep up with her. More or less. Lack of sleep, that great equalizer.
Other things we discussed, and out of context quotes:
“He likes free pizza. Everyone knows that about Stephen Hawking.”
Introducing a new concept, Matchbox!
“Oh, I never said good friend.”
“So you don’t do your taxes in cursive?”
The time has come for Bad Business Ideas.
“I actually started taking commissions when I was 14 years old.”
“What is Doc Holliday’s favorite berry?”
“You might end up having to adapt to the logo rather than having the logo adapt to what you are and what your vision is.”
Ren outlines her goal of helping other artists produce short runs of pins.
“There’s nothing more patriotic than a Vietnamese soup.”
“Where can you even get an anvil these days?”
“75% of Bad Business Ideas are weapons.”