Normally, this is where an intro would go. I would talk about how great the guest is, and maybe a personal anecdote about how my life has intersected with his/hers/theirs. Let’s make this one short and sweet:
Neil James Arthur and Dandy Darkly are fantastic. I saw Dandy perform. You should see Myth Mouth.

Listen to this excerpt, the entire show, or go out and buy tickets right now (if there’s a Fringe in your area)!
- Digging into the current show, Myth Mouth. The themes, the characters, and more.
- Sometimes, to find a voice, you have to put on a mask of sorts.
- Pitching Dandy on becoming a spokesperson for some winning Bad Business Ideas.
- Music is a big part of the show, how does it factor into the writing and rehearsal process?
- A pop quiz! Dandy asks questions about Disney, date-related lawsuits, and deadly Chanel accessories.
- Neil joins me in the studio while Dandy takes a break, and we discuss the origins of alternate personalities.
- Briefly considering a career in medicine, Neil took an intro to theater class and the rest is history. I don’t mean the rest is history classes. His theatrical career is history. I mean, it’s still going. That’s a confusing thought, just listen.
- In case you were wondering, Dandy would likely end up as a post-apocalyptic despot. With great accessories.
- Plugs! Plus Dandy’s recommendations for what else you should see at the Fringe.