Family. Jobs. Education. Passions. Life. It’s really difficult to balance these things out. You can blame social media and the connected age for making it harder, but it’s always been a challenge for people to meet all of their obligations. Josh Murdock – Professor Josh – has so many irons in the fire, he’s practically Tony Stark. We talked about all the projects and initiatives he’s involved in, including but not limited to:
- EdTech Orlando Meetup
- Florida Blogger & Social Media Conference
- Valencia Foundation
- Startup Weekend Orlando
0:00 – Along with a quick summary of his career, we get to know Josh through a little game called Spaghetti or Meatballs.
10:10 – There’s a lot going on in Josh’s life, and technology, storytelling, and teaching are big components.
14:18 – We discuss Florida Blog Con, which is coming up next month.
17:33 – Finding the time to write and to create content. This includes some advice for students and job seekers on keeping up with your portfolios and ideas.
25:13 – Trends in education including augmented reality and 3D printing.
31:34 – Still talking trends, focusing on video for a few minutes and how educators can use and more importantly share their content for the good of others.
33:29 – Certificates and certifications. Are credentials a potential replacement for degrees?
35:34 – The Valencia Foundation and scholarships available in central Florida.
41:11 – Get to know Professor Josh a little bit more with another round of Spaghetti or Meatballs!
48:00 – Josh is a sought-after public speaker, how does he approach this challenge?
54:10 – Yes, Bad Business Ideas™ are in the house!
1:02:39 – Josh helps host EdTech Orlando, a monthly meetup for people hoping to improve the state of education.
1:09:24 – Take an idea, get a team together, and build it in just a few days at Startup Weekend Orlando.