Listen, I’m a lucky guy. I get to talk to spectacular people every week, work through some of my psychoses with them, and learn a lot about stuff I know nothing about. In this week’s episode, Tom Hope joins me to really get into the meat of punk rock, something I know very little about.
And I’m proud to say that even though this is all about me (which is very punk rock), Tom really drove the episode with his insight and choice in music. Will he be the only guest who gets to curate music? Maybe not. But there are few people I would trust with this responsibility.
And, since the music was so good, I went ahead and bought it all! You can listen to it below, or on 8tracks.
0:00 – We play Tom or Jerry to learn more about Tom. But not Jerry.
3:30 – We talk about The Damned and transition into how Tom got into punk in the first place.
6:19 – Struggling with URLs. Then, talking art with Tom. A little Art Basel, a little on the proper way to appreciate it.
11:47 – In time, does your appreciation for something change? We apply that to art, artists, and music. Also, does the effort to collect things change the relationship with it?
17:58 – More on hunting down music. Everything is available, so the treasures aren’t treasures anymore.
21:34 – Punk rock song structures and lyrics. Nick’s assumptions on punk and Tom’s insight on them.
28:32 – Digging in on Bikini Kill, Nation of Ulysses, and Fugazi. Such great music.
34:01 – Off topic for a moment. Tom went from a very overtly creative role to something a little subtly creative. What was that transition like?
40:44 – Tom and Jerry again! How much can we know about one person? Turns out a lot.
47:22 – Tom chimes in on some bad business ideas. Eating a straw with a sandwich, or the other way around. Also, brew shares!
54:42 – First, punk rock brevity is reviewed and dissected. Second, apply that sense of haste is applied to books and music.
1:03:41 – Millennials. Nick’s fascination with them is renewed yet again.
1:07:45 – Talking college with Tom. His degree focus is not necessarily what he does.